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So thankful to have found musicians casting in time to audition for this tour with the multi platinum recording artist that I just landed...

Taylor Gordon

Professional Touring Musician

I simply created a profile and submitted my application-they do everything else! A few days later I got called for an audition and got the gig! We left for a 8 week national tour one week later...

Nicholas Veinoglou

Professional Touring Musician

I submitted for a Major Label audition exclusively found through Musician Casting, and now I'm playing with the artist...

Sterling Laws

Professional Touring Musician

I highly recommend Musician Casting to both talent and those seeking talent. It came through big for our company on a number of occasions, and I'll be using this service again...

Paul George

Podwall Entertainment Management

After going through the process of applying and auditioning through the site it is clear that unlike some other online music job sites Musician Casting actually offers quality gig opportunities...

Kelly Appleton

Professional Touring Musician

I was able to perform in-front of a Major Label Artist, their A&R and the Director of Artist Development for the whole label. I would not have been able to make this Major Label connection without Musician Casting...

Ryan Streeter

Professional Touring Musician

Through Musicians Casting I was able to audition for a new artist on Hollywood Records. I made some valuable connections and look forward to other great opportunities...

Hubie Wang

Professional Touring Musician

I recently applied for a gig on Musician Casting for an artist looking to play a simple acoustic show. The website was incredibly easy to use and within a couple of days I got a call that I got the gig.

Cody Perrin

Professional Touring Musician
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